It's been a long, long time since I've had ADM rights all to myself on a blog and I'm very excited to be in this position once more. Of course, my number one goal is to regain control of my very first blog and the blog most dear to me, The Tease and Denial Queens. But for now, this is my blog!

Andrea isn't the only one in the field of female celeb feet. I too have a strong interest in the subject and have my own favorites. Each night, I worship, rub and kiss the feet of my awesome new Mistress Jennifer! She has long, narrow feet with long toes. She wears a 10.5 shoe! But they are beautiful white feet with high arches and smooth pink soles.

As I take over this blog, I do want to say that it has nothing to do with anything Andrea was doing wrong. She's been the ADM of this blog for years now and she did a good job. I thank her for that and hope she will stay on and contribute. But alas, I was the one who started this blog and now I have it back and will run it as I see fit.

Someday I very well might add more authors, mainly friends of mine from the TDQ blog. But for now, I'll leave it as is and see how it goes. I earlier mentioned that I was going to write about what happened with Shique, Nicole and Chivonn this past Saturday night but I think the TDQ blog is a more appropriate place for that. All I will say in regards to that night is the reason I am now using the avatar I am is because Shique's 15 year old cousin Chivonn is making me do it with Jen's blessing. It's obviously not an avatar I'd ever dream of using on my own.

Over the years, you have heard of Andrea's favorite female celeb feet. While I do not rank them monthly like she does, I too have many favorites. Tonight I will begin my reign by showing you some.


Halle Berry, probably my all time favorite!

Sheree J. Wilson

Renee Zellweger

Diana Ross

Brittany Murphy... RIP Smiley Faces

Kelly Clarkson

Tyra Banks
Ellen Degeneres
Celine Dion
Chanta Rose the Total Goddess!


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